Sunday, 26 August 2012

Party on the Plot

We had hoped to hold a party on the allotments on the final day of National Allotment Week. Unfortunately this was also when a lot of plot holders were away on holiday so it was decided to postpone the event until 25th August. The day started full of promise with clear blue skies and warm sunshine. We had seen the weather forecast which predicted heavy rain and thunder but were beginning to think that we were going to be lucky and miss the storms.
The party was due to start at 3pm and when we arrived at ten past there were quite a few already there and the barbecues were lit and ready to go. Within minutes there was a loud rumble of thunder and the heavens opened!

The weather didn't stop this youngster from having fun though!

Only problem was that although we were able to stay lovely and dry under the giant gazebo that had been lent to us it did trap the smoke from the BBQ!

I guess this just sums up the British Summer and our 'carry on regardless' attitude we have towards it.

Trapped in the gazebo. Too smokey to stay in but too wet to get out!

Eventually the rain passed and we were able to get on and enjoy the lovely food that everyone had brought along,

Pasta salad

Barbecued runner beans

A delicious dhal

Simon's watermelon jellies

Queueing for the ever popular burgers

After the food had been eaten and things had dried up a bit, invited guests were given a tour of the plots.

But then it was back to business as usual as there were plenty of vegetables ready and waiting to be harvested.

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