Sunday, 9 September 2012


Last weekend the Gardening Club, based at the Red Lion pub in the village, held it's annual show. Entry is not restricted to club members so a number of us newbee allotment holders decided to have a go. And with some success I might add. I took these pictures after the show had been judged but because of the limitations of space and the rather breezy day, the certificates were not left out alongside the winning entries so I am not able to tell which of these were winners. (Apart from a couple, more of which later)

Several entries for biggest marrow

Blanched Leeks

A bowl of delicious soft fruits

Competion for the longest parsnip was fierce

Some fine onions

Lots of lovely tomatoes

There were two entries which came first in their class that I know of because one was my husband's red cabbage and the other was my three carrots. We were both chuffed to bits!

My carrots

The winning cabbage

Some of the floral entries

My friend grows some amazing chrysanthemums.

And to round off the day there was an auction of produce in the pub. Now have a marrow and two enormous leeks lurking in the kitchen whilst I try to decide what to do with them!